About Us

Our Story

 BAHO (abbr. BAkeHOuse) by NikAas has its humble beginnings from a small home kitchen in Bommanahalli, Bengaluru. It all started back in 2021 out of love for perfecting fermented dough, the foundation for all things bread.

BAHO breads by Aastha & Nikunj

Bread Aastha, our chief baking officer, is a self-trained (& self-proclaimed) chef who has been trained in the art of culinary bread-making from Worldwide Web Institute - Youtube & Google Chapter (psst! we mean the all knowing Internet). After flying high for 6 years as an air stewardess, a nasty bread-bug bit her during her mediterranean honeymoon trip & she decided to don the oven mitts. BAHO was born to satisfy hunger pangs of her family and friends who couldn't resist the temptation of the aroma of fresh hot breads coming out of her kitchen. And the rest they say is ... present :D


 Nikunj, an MBA from SPJIMR-Mumbai and B-Tech in Computer Science, has been working in the technology domain for more than 9 years now. Being a foodie, he was awaiting the perfect bread for his dreamy sumptuous sandwich, which he finally tasted in the delicious realms of BAHO kitchen. Since then, he has been powering the venture with his leadership, vision and most importantly - excel sheets.
Today, we are serving thousands of customers and spreading our most loved creations all over India.